Strange Tales of the
World's Most Famous Composers...

Even though truth can be stranger than fiction, Chamber Music Express (featuring violinist Paul Stein) combines both of them in magical stories about composers who time travel, ride harrowing roller coasters, and teach children via virtual reality. 

One story features a child who falls asleep at the Hollywood Bowl and has a dream about Beethoven driving a fast-food van. Their personal conversation gives music appreciation a whole new meaning. Could Fritz Kreisler and Scott Joplin have played on the same talent show in a Texarkana, Texas junior high school? Why not? And what a wonderful influence they had on each other! 

Kreisler at Texarkana.. .Cooking with Ludwig.. .these and many other tales are featured on Chamber Music Express programs. They allow a child's experience to intersect with a composer's, accompanied by colorful, energetic music. Children discover the unlimited beauty and excitement that listening to music inspires.

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